Dragon Rider,  photoshop&Painter 2007

Airforce one_Midway,  photoshop&painter 2008

Space Cowboys, photoshop&painter 2007

Born in Korea, Tae young Choi grew up dreaming of becoming a comic book artist. With a degree in fine art, his work was exhibited in several galleries in Korea, and in 2000 he made a move to the US to study computer graphics-gaining another degree in the process. With such qualifications and a sheer enthusiasm for art, it wasn’t long before he found a job in the games industry.

Tae’s imagery fuses dystopian sci-fi and classical mysticism, but he’s also capable of warm, lovingly crafted portraits beyond the laser fire and futuristic characters. Most of the time his images begin as sketches to gause ideas and composition. “Sometimes I start painting using a different method, but mostly I sketch on paper first,” he says. These are scanned and painted digitally in Photoshop or Painter.

Tae young Choi

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