Concept ‘Off-Tension’ 2011-12 F/W
“A moment when something gets suddenly released from a certain tension or balance.”

Everything normally maintains its equilibrium with its certain tension – sometimes being tensioned too much. Even so a moment could arrive when it loses its tension or its own physical balance caused by a tiny trigger.  No matter what kind of stimulant it is, this causes a movement, a shift from static into dynamic even for a very short period of time or in a small scale.  This could also cause a change of its original form or state into new ones eventually.  We tried to capture this particular moment of its dynamic, vibrant, and free movement that we sometimes witness or experience in a physical or an emotional way in our daily life eventually to give an establishment to a new balance.

COINONIA creates fresh and contemporary garments and accessories for the creative woman. All the collection pieces are first draped on mannequins, where they are given a life and story according to a seasonal concept. Experimental and architectural shape, dynamic cutting and subtle details and colours are then introduced to define their characters. Narrative and conceptual mood is always there as the essence of their work. Feminine yet masculine, still and at the same time dynamic, tender but hard…These contradictions are the source of their creation that mingle to give birth to a new design.

The name of the brand is inspired by the Greek concept of “Koinonia”, which means sharing, relationship and communication. It’s an idealized state of relationship, encapsulating the idea of harmonized participation in a team. In this case, it is the label of two designers who share creativity, passion and a common philosophy. They wish to create “Koinonia” also among their associates and clients and between the garment and the wearer, in a new concept that wants to give a new philosophy and passion for life.


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