BOBO wrapping scarves are based on the ancient Korean tradition of wrapping items with bojagi. Patricia Lee grew up with the tradition of wrapping everything in bojagi but discovered how beautiful and sophisticated wrapping items with bojagi could be when she visited her aunt in Seoul during  the early 90s.


Bobo Jumbo Sized Beach Wrap

“She fell in love with the beauty, simplicity and functionality of the wrapping scarf.” However she couldn’t find scarves in the US that worked with the bojagi wrapping techniques. She couldn’t sew much so her inspiration was banished to the back of her mind.

Almost 20 years later staring at the pile of waste created on Christmas morning the wrapping scarves came back to her. Patricia had a prototype made of her “bobos” and soon the BOBO Wrapping Scarf Company was born.

Patricia Lee, the author of The Wrapping Scarf Revolution, by Patricia Lee,  has done the west a favor by introducing us to the Korean  art of wrapping gifts with scarves and other fabrics. This fits in well with today's cry for more recycling and less use of paper which will result in less trees being downed.

This art evolved out of a way of life of the Korean people, who, out of necessity, tied up clothes, gifts, and other items as a means of storage, Lee explains. Now, that the country is more prosperous,  she is amazed at the way artistic oriented citizens are making art from what was once utilitarian.

Wrapping Scarf Revolution

BOBO Wrapping Scarf

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