Die Auktion, 2006 C-Print, Diasec
90.6 x 133.9 in / 78.7 x 118.1 in / 51.2 x 70.9 in / 17.7 x 31.5 in

Saturday Night, 2007 C-Print, Diasec
181.1 x 118.1 in / 118.1 x 78 in / 72 x 47.6 in / 21.7 x 32.4 in

Saturday Night Room 405, 2007 C-Print, Diasec 55.1 x 39.4 in

The photographs of In Sook Kim (born 1969 in South Korea) examine how we give meaning to the rooms we live in, how we use furniture, decor, television, computers, sex, alcohol and pharmaceuticals in our futile attempts to fill inner voids--and how those rooms reflect these voids back at us.

Saturday Night Room, 2007 C-Print, Diasec 55.1 x 39.4 in

Saturday Night Room, 2007 C-Print, Diasec 55.1 x 39.4 in

Kim's Edward Hopper-esque settings are constructed with a loving attention to detail, and lit with an eerie glow, so that they function as deliberately artificial mini-theatres in which human subjects seem intrusive or uneasy, perhaps imprisoned by society's designation of Saturday night as party night. These works were recently exhibited at New York's Gana Art Gallery, to much acclaim.


your you and its opposite

Bo Bae Kim


The debut issue of Virgine Magazine, featuring this “All You Can Get” by Ryan Yoon.
Styling by Hissa Igarashi

The debut issue of Virgine Magazine, featuring this “All You Can Get” by Ryan Yoon.
Styling by Hissa Igarashi


Korean born photographer Ryan Yoon moved from South Korea to USA to obtain an active career in fashion photography.As an up-and-coming, trendy, fashion photographer, Ryan concentrates on fashion and artistic documentary photography and takes photography assignments from modeling agencies in addition to working on his personal artworks.

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