Installation shot (clockwise from far L): "Depot" (To-do list found in a shopping cart at Home Depot, fabric, gold thread), "Shirt" (replica of a shirt I'd wear to my office job), "Two shirts" (one from a grocery bag, one from a bank check), "The work of memory" (color copies of a single image of flowers mounted on foam board, wood), "Untitled (carpet)" (oriental carpet from a NJ mall, given to me by my parents, shredded tax documents, receipts, grocery bags, staples), All 2006-07

"Home improvements", 35" x 37" x 6", Graph paper, house paint, trash bag, plastic bag, cardboard, receipts, envelopes, 2007

"Clothing inventory--under 2" tall", Variable dimensions, Printer paper, color (pencil, pen, watercolor), pins, 2006; My wardrobe while living abroad, each item is made to scale 2" or smaller. The piece ended when I packed up my suitcase to leave.

"The road less travelled", My worn shoes, house paints, boat compasses, 2007

Sandra Eula Lee

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