The Face no.29, acrylic on canvas, 125 x 110cm, 2011

The Face no.34_acrylic on canvas_53.0x 45.5cm _2011

Jazoo Yang is a visual artist from South Korea. Her works take a variety of forms, including painting (excretions), installation (excavation), and performance.

As an elaboration on her own solitude, a product of the constantly shifting physical and cultural landscape of South Korea’s urban space, Jazoo endeavors to explore notions of history and loss in her work. Influenced by the present-day neglect of social legacy and the ‘culturelessness’ of the modern city, Jazoo aims to salvage that which lies on the fringe of our social consciousness.

Platoon Kunsthalle, Seoul 1012

Traditionally, populations settle in certain areas for extended periods of time. By establishing places of habitation, work and leisure, individuals construct a sense of community and belonging. As such, the interminable demolitions, reconstructions, and renovations of the modern erahave led to a loss of familiarity, alienating individuals within the city that is their home. This trend is not unique to Seoul; the uprooting of one’s physical and cultural history is a global phenomenon that is both felt and observed in major cities the world over. - The Ehren

Jazoo Yang

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