Return , oil on canvas 210cm x170cm 2009

spring 2,   digiatl print  acrilic  130cm x 162 cm 2002

twenty shadows,  oil on canvas 53cm x 45.5cm  2008

It is certain that we live in an age of uncertainty which needed for more living, more thinking, and more intervening than some time, and also in an age of lust which desire of capital captures us at all sphere of daily life. This age has made human being to be "ordinariness" according to combining with weakness of mankind, standardization of their dream and vision, temptation of consumption, endowment of qualification, order of grade of rank, power spirit and display of their power, establishment of truth through ordering system, and also made a well-prepared individual to be a useful being in a society at the least.

They obey the society, and how to threaten individual has contributed to their obedience. We could call such person following general reference of a given-culture a healthy and ordinary neighborhood. On the contrary, we can acknowledge that such person who display a shortage of skill to perform a specific job and function without some qualification and ability and who do not meet with a specific standard could be a mad man or a alien.

Those who ousted from a well-prepared individual could be controlled and manipulated
by power, rule, minor shame as like "You should know your dishonor." in proper form in which a group want to do. The weakness that is presented from such controlling will be a reason they are kicked out from a social boundary to which they belong. In addition, they have some risk to acknowledge what they recognize the fact by themselves in advance as a self-destructive behavior.

Li Set byul

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