연유 II(in this connection), Mixed Media, 80 x 80 x 230cm, 2012 detail

연유 II(in this connection), Mixed Media, 80 x 80 x 230cm, 2012

Moving / relaxation, Mixed Media, 150 x 130 x 150cm, 2012

Artist, F.R.P,urethane paint , 80 x 43 x (h)45cm, 2010

Monologues are long hours. Work is results that is gotten through process like monolog of life to me. And it will be always lived in a monologue. Artist thinks if result that is detected through method and it of monolog is not left soon completely in his life and work.

That mutter of only one person who my monologs coin sweetish language as monologs as that recite and conversation that expose direction of sight of subjective sensitivity or do derivative plosive same monolog / love in ideal things and realistic collision / as traveler of life that is opposite with viscount pole same meditations / solitude doing on bet making new amusements quiet shout / pale confession etc.. like unavoidable that wait .. Everybody are work and connection monologs that can not but be indited. Such monologs want to be hanged down by one veins strike, and are woken and unite. - Kun ju Kim

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