Portrait Montage, 420 x 594mm, Digital Prin

Digital Portrait (Boys), 297 x 420mm, Digital Print

Self-Initiated, Portrait Series,10 Portraits, 2 Montages
Spring, 2006, Direction, Design, Production

This Memorable Portraits is started from the book Metaphors of Memory: A History of Ideas about the Mind and Why Life Speeds Up As You Get Older by Douwe Draaisma. This is a project about researching what Bergson calls Memory as a Rememberance.

I visualized relationship between my memory and people in my memories. Those people in my memories has been memorized as a regular text not like photographic images. So I created their photographic image with ASCII text. And I encoded through serial code generator, and created a typeface to patternize those codes, and I made pattern individually for each person with this typeface. This is how I translated my memories about people I have known in my life. Also to show a montage is similar to the process of memory , I made an ASCII art montage and encrypted pattern montage of 10 different people. This project is still on going. - Namoo Kim

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