Lithic Knot - Jeongok Prehistoric Museum
Movement and experience are the primary generators in this design for a Prehistoric Museum in South Korea by London based architectural firm poly.m.ur.
By: poly.m.ur

Jeongokri is one of the most important Paleolithic sites in the world.
Lithic Knot is envisaged as a museum structure that is embedded into both the geology and landscape of the site. The design of the museum focuses on the creation of a building fabric that articulates exhibition spaces while connecting scattered outdoor programs across the entire site. The organization of the museum attempts to dissolve traditional boundaries by creating multiple points of connection around each outdoor program.

The museum thus emerges as a place for the interchange of people, experience and information. The twisted 'figure-of-eight' structure of the museum is intended to evoke the crude 'post and lintel' architecture of the stone age albeit with modern systems of construction and materials.


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