Big-Mc_ ceramic,decalcomania,luster,LED,motor_  38x38x54(h)cm.2010

Prayer I_ ceramic,decalcomania,luster,motor_  40x40x88(h)cm.2010

Ego II_ ceramic,decalcomania,luster,motor_  34x34x74(h)cm_ 2010
Friends_ceramic,decalcomania,luster,motor_   33x33x62(h)_ (A_side) 2010

ADIDAS celadon on canvas 100x100x8(t)cm

NIKE celadon on wood panel 162.2x130.3x11.5(t)cm(77x25x6.5(t)cm)

APPLE celadon on wood panel 130.3x162.2x8(t)cm(54x64x3(t)cm)

Building social network with other people makes an appearance as a crucial issue, when cold war of ideology conflict collapsed, and the arrival of information age which shortens presence of time and space. ‘Mixture condition’ is understood as a new potential in twenty first century; for example, Umberto Eco foresaw the culture will become mixed up with one and other. It becomes hard to find one’s national or local distinct culture in the time of globalization.

This universal system of cultural mixture will blur the distinct boundary of cultural differences amongst nations and will create collision cultures that are different. During this process, there is an interesting phenomenon called acculturation happens. Acculturation is the exchange of cultural features that results when groups of individuals having different cultures come into continuous first hand contact; the original cultural patterns of either or both groups may be changed, but the groups remain distinct.

This idea works as a key for me to analyze my identity in whole new point of view. These composition action changes institutionalized art scene into more experimental and optimistic, and this action might called the third way.  - Yoo Eui Jeong

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