This concept was designed by Shane Baxley from the Art Center College of Design in Pasadena, CA. It is called Aebulle ("aebulle" means "cocoon" in Korean) and represents a futuristic three-wheeler vehicle with an electric powertrain and a magnesium frame.

"The main idea was to design a personal vehicle that delivers the mobility and speed of a motorcycle while offering the safety that a cocoon offers a butterfly. The Aebulle is targeted for the Los Angeles region where it would utilize the commuter lanes allowing its occupant a quick commute."

The concept was designed to be powered by compact in-wheel electric motors coupled with lithium batteries stored in the floor of the vehicle. It’s front wheels are connected to separate independent swing arms that allow the Aebulle to glide around corners. The body is made up of an aluminum frame and the "windshield" is made up of aluminum oxynitride glass. The whole top of the three-wheeler lifts up, taking with it the center console and allowing the passenger to make his exit.

Shane Baxley

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